Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Down Side of Fiberliciousness

Every Advantage has its Tax.
                                                Ralph Waldo Emerson.

You might be wondering why I am writing this. Well let me tell you. Its about 7pm and I am in class. Just finished the peds exam. Ok. So After the African/Nigerian kinda breakfast of wholegrain pasta, with chicken breast and tomato sauce, I had a mashed banana with powdered milk and splenda for sweetness. Its is important I have an Africana breakfast cause these days I wake up RAVENOUS. Yes I am super hungry in the morning. So I just have to eat like this. So during my study time, I had a large apple with peanut butter, a pear and sparkling water. Just before the test, I had 1 baked lays single serving pack (I believe this is about 130 calories0 and then one starbucks double shot expressoo whatever. ( I believe it was 130 calories). I purchased a crab salad, and oh my, I just cant wait to eat it.

Ok... Now to the down side of fiberliciousness. Something Terrific happened during my exam. I heard a high pitched musical note 5 seconds in duration while writing the exam. I tried to figure out where this was coming from and then realized it was coming from my rectum. It was soon followed by a very nasty smell. Oh my. I just farted during the exam. I feel so so sorry for the poor ones who sit beside me to the left and to the night. Yesterday at work, I experienced the same thing. I farted the day away. Also I  had two large bowel episodes.

You see I wasn't like this last week and I believe I know why this is happening. You see with our diet, we decided the balance of bacteria that reside in our guts. More fruits and vegetable makes more gas forming bacteria resident in our colon. I remember an old room mate who is the strictest vegetarian I have known till date. Mehnnnnnn. She could fart and it was the nastiest smelly ones. And they weren't silent either. They always sounded like a bomb had exploded. She would welcome me to the room with fart ridden air. I wonder how it was in premodal times. You know our ancestors who ate mostly meat, grains, fruits and vegetables and nothing processed. LOL. It would be interesting to know their farting statistics compared to ours today. I predict that their gut microbiota was definitely different from mine today considering the differences in diet.

Now I don't want to become a chronic fart producer. I don't want to stink up every place. I need to find a solution. So two things come to mind. One is the time tested and trusted mint gum and sweets. Those I know work but might be too mild for my new GI activity. So I will try Beano. I try to find the active ingredient cause I need to find out what I am putting into my body and it turns out to be Alpha-galactosidase enzyme 300 GALU (derived from Aspergillus niger) - See more at: . Aspergillus niger seems to be a fungus and the active ingredient is just a product from the fungus and not the whole fungus so I am not too worried.

Ok its times to go. I wont be able to go to trader joes today because I am sleepy from all the study but I will go tomorrow. Please wish me well

Wellness is a choice so take charge of your health.

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