Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My other favorite salad

I'm in love with spinach now. I have no idea why. So here's another spinach salad.

Two or three handfuls of spinach
Two table spoons of red raspberry dressing
A few crushed pecans
One table spoon of raisins
Blue cheese crumbs

Its sooo yummy. The sweet raisins and the sharp blue cheese are the perfect combination.

You can substitute raisins with candied cranberries. I had a similar salad at a restaurant with candied cranberries and it was lovely. Can't find them in any stores around here though.

Try it and let me know how you think.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Butt workout.

Today we worked our butt and now all my behind hurts. I guess today's routine is the secret to a great behind. One you can proudly show off in a bathing suit and short shorts. It was butt bursting day. And now my butt is hurting. Walking is difficult and sitting on wood is torturous. But dont worry a soak in 2 cups of epson salt in warm water would make it all better.

So I kept my promise about eating in the party. I had the steamed vegetables and salad but I could not eat the salad cause I did not like the dressing. On sunday I had three scrambled egg whites and one piece of toast for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then brown rice for dinner. I have been trying real hard to keep to this plan. But I am human so sometimes I jump off the wagon.

This morning I had oatmeal for breakfast and carroted my way through the day. I find it helpful to eat through out the day cause I am out of control when I am hungry. I just cant deal with hunger.

I have always believed that I am one of the few people in this world that does not sweat. Well after todays workout I realized that the reason why I have not been sweating is that I dont push myself enough. Today's workout was hard and I found that my hair was wait and sweat was trickling down my spine. Wow. It was such a great feeling.

My mystery medical problems continues to trouble me. I got up to eat last night and I dont know why. Well this night I will try drinking a cup of water and lets see how that goes.

Loosing weight is difficult. But its worth it. The confidence that you can do what you set your mind to do, the better sleep and better health and who can forget the aesthetic appeal you acquire all make this ardous journey worth every bit of the pain. I am even more inspired by my friend who went from 260lbs to 160lbs. I am inspired by her and would just love to be like her. She has gone from fat and flabby to fit and trim and it is all so amazing.

Next time I will tell you about my friends story and my struggle to stay in the class.
I have to study and prepare for tommorrow.
Wish me well

Friday, June 26, 2009

Burn baby Burn.

Last time I told you that she promised us one full hour of cardio. Well she delivered. Several days later I am still feeling the soreness and I love it. This feeling is like the badge of my hardwork. I just love the way my muscles feel. It shows that I have worked hard and now. The class is four days a week but unfortunately I might not be able to make it for thoes four days because I have other commitments so I have decided to go two days and I have to make that arrangement with her. I just love the cardio. Wow. Woe to fat.

Now I am trying to eat better. I am snacking on carrots and I am loving it. They are crunchy and sweet. And I walk more yeah. Imoteda's suggestion is working. I drop at one stop before my stop and then walk to my destination. However yesterday I did something wrong and I need help to get it right. I at two white chocolate and macademia nut cookies and then I had one double chocolate chip cookie. Thats the sour part of yesterday. I just love thoes white chocolate and macademia nut cookie and I was feeling kinda down yesterday so I ate them. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this kind of eating?

Now to my medical mystery. For over three years now I just find that I cant sleep through the night. I wake like a zoombie at a point and I just go to the fridge and start eating. I didnt even know what was happening until my sister pointed it out to me. I have seen a doctor and asked him to explain this behaviour but he has come up with nothing. I believe that this habit started when I was dealing with migranes and taking prescription strength sleep aids. I also believe that it is this eating pattern that made me put on all this weight. I am trying to cut down and stop it but its not easy. Any thoughts?

Today is one of thoes temption days. I am going to a Nigerian party. Three people are graduating in one family so its going to be a bash. You know what that means for me. Temptation. There is going to be lotts of food. All the nigerian orishirishi that you usually dont get to eat in America. So I have to practice self control. This is my plan of action. When I get there I would start my meal with lotts of water. And the dive into a great salad. I will try to fill up on that. Then I would have a little moin moin (bean cake) and some fish or chicken. Then I would dance it all off. No rice for me today. Wish me well.

Just wanna say that I am proud of you Imoteda for trying to keep up with the agreement. Kinda makes it easier for me to do this stuff. Knowing that you are with me in this.

So thats my story so far.

I'll tell you how my party went tommorrow.
one love

Thursday, June 25, 2009

So Lazy

See me already starting off on the wrong foot.

In my defence I've ben ill the past two days so no chance to really work out.
Tuesday though I went for a nice thirty minute walk in the heat and then came home and did sit ups. And yes they did indeed hurt.

As far as food goes, I'm trying not to eat after nine. Eight just doesn't work coz I have class till eight nd I always feel weird eating in class

Woke up starving middle of the night yesterday so I made my way down to the fridge and started chewing on spinach. I must say I'm beginning to love spinach.

K So My new favourite salad:

Two or three handfuls of spinach
Half a can of tuna
Two table spoons of raspberry vinaigrette 
Feel free to add olives or cheese as desired.

Its soooo yummy:)

K Later guys. Need to sleep off this illness
Good thing about it is I'm eating less coz I just can't be bothered to go find food.

Kisses- Imoteda

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hey people. I just found out that I have eaten three times more than I need. Try MyPyramid.gov for information on how to track your food intake.


Ok today is the first day and things went quiet well.
I went into the exercise class and wow I could not help but admire the instructor. She looks like she is in her fourties but she is well ripped. Not in a body builder way but in a lean mean zero body fat fashion. You can actually isolate all her major muscle groups by sight. Seriously. I think she is a good specimen for a human anatomy class. Because everything is just set. She told us that she is 5f 11in and 145lbs and has had her weight fluctuate all her life.
So today we took body measurements. Arms, legs, hips and all. We did some stress tests and endurance tests and all. And I did so poorly. I cant even do two pressups. Anyways the yorubas have a saying that anytime that you wake up is your morning. So I have woken up and this is my morning. Ave gatta get active and healthy and wise.

So let me tell you what I ate today. For breakfast I had a cup of honey bunches of oats cereal and half a cup of nonfat milk. I prefer to have oatmeal because it is healthier but I ran out of it. Pls remind me to go get some more oatmeal. After my exercise class I over did it with two fried eggs sandwiches. Before you crucify me let me explain. I cooked the stuff my self and there was almost no oil. However its not good enough. I should have had a salad instead. But I was in class and lecture was going on and I was to have a test. So no time to scurry to subways for a turkey breast sub. Well I calculated the calories in the sandwich and it turns out to be 500.ahhhhhh. I had a hand full of almonds and then some ground nut. Then I splurged by drinking garri with groundnut but using sugar substitute instead of the real deal. I then enjoyed three pieces of lean chicken and two chicken franks totalling 100 calories. I have tried to keep to the diet today. The only place I went wrong is that I did not replace one meal with a salad. I hope to implement that tommorrow.

My exercise teacher talked to us about healthy eating today. Her advice was run away from sugar and careful with sugar substitutes. If you wanna gain weight drink fruit juices. If you want to lose weight eat vegetables. Careful with what you eat when you exercise. Some people overeat because they feel they have burnt calories. Drink water. It should be your beverage of choice. Avoid white bread, proccessed foods, saturated fats and oversized portions.

Tommorrow is a better day. I plan to put these things into action.
I forgot to add that I stopped one bustop before my real stop and walked home. Imoteda I kept my own part of the deal. I hope you kept yours.

We have been promised one hour of intense cardio tommorrow morning. So I will go to sleep shortly and get ready to make my heart happy. Wish me well.

Tommorrow I will tell you about my medical mystery.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Instructions.

Now the rules of the game.
1.Replace one meal with a salad. Low fat dressing e.g thousands islands
2. No food after 8pm.
3. No soda, sugared cereals, ice cream etc. Avoid anything with sugar.
4. Exercise four times a week and walk more. Imoteda says we should be honest.Try to walk for 30 minutes everyday. Imoteda suggests we abandon our cars, and get off the bus at one bus stop before our intended bus stop.
5. Avoid fried foods.
6. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
These are the start off rules. We are trying not to make it too restrictive so that we would be able to stick with it.
Join us. Lets get rid of this pain.


Welcome, welcome to our blog.

Some of you may already know me from my other blog, Imoteda, but I'm sure you don't know my new partner-in-crime, Ozybaby. Well here's introducing Ozybaby. She's smart, she's funny, she's a great person and she has the same goals as me.

To reach a healthy weight and to feel more comfortable in her skin.

Basically me and Ozy were talking and we decided that despite the distance (she's in the states & I'm in Canada) we should be able to encourage each other in this weight loss journey we're on.

We decided that a blog would be a good way to do this. A place where we can share our stories, recipes, ideas and troubles.

So tomorrow will mark our first day on this journey.
She's more private than I am so she probably won't be posting a whole lot of her private details. But you already know Imoteda don't care.
So here goes

Hi My name is Imoteda.
Current Weight: 195 pounds ( I know o)
Height: 5 ft 6in
Goal weight: 140 -150 pounds
Time frame: 8mths - 1yr (longer or shorter doesn't matter sha)

And there you have it.

Wish us luck!